A mysterious figure lurks behind the blood red curtain, peering through a gap with its long uncut twisted finger nails, a shadow in the lonely darkness. Immaculately dressed from head to toe, pinstripe blazer, black n white brogue shoes, bowler hat, wilted roses.
Another show, another town. The crowd applause, rising to their feet, worried faces as the acrobats twist a dance of death beneath the circus dome, Still he lurks, a dead soul, waiting in the wings of destruction, lucid, opening the entrance to his black hole.
"Precious funambulist
Flamboyant, Equilibrist
Precious funambulist
Flamboyant, Equilibrist
Audaciously on the rope
Gently and gracefully
In the Circus dome
Gently and gracefully"
Rambling Funambulist is the stunningly atmospheric single from Danish artist Mare.
"The songs are not written to fit any particular genre or space, they come directly from our souls"
With her beautiful ethereal vocals, brooding guitars & earth shattering strings, this is music to dream, feel and fall in love to.
It's Slowdive meets The Cocteau Twins meets Massive Attack with elements of a Twin Peaks soundtrack.
Scandinavian artists have a unique artistic style, they are forward thinking, not stuck in the past, trying to emulate bands of yesteryear.
So dive into a dream with Mare and paint a magic picture of twisted circus freaks, demons, tightrope walkers & folk law.